Let the countdown begin!
The excitement is building for the return to school events and activities. It is time for the quiet in our buildings to come to an end. Next week, we welcome our teachers back for professional development and the week after that on Monday August 21st, we welcome back our students for the new school year!
I want to highlight some of the events coming up in anticipation of our new year.
Today, (Saturday the 12th) we are hoping to have a great turnout this evening as the Route 66 Business Association hosts a Back to School Bash in downtown Nashville from 5-8 pm. Games and activities will be hosted for kids, a DJ will be playing music, and school supplies will be distributed. I will be there at a table promoting family engagement in our schools. I will have signup opportunities for anyone who wants to volunteer to support our teachers, be a mentor at the Jr./Sr. HS level or sign up to be a part of our Speaker’s Bureau to present career options to our students based upon their own careers. As we shake off the final restrictions of COVID, it is long overdue time to get our families back in our buildings to increase community engagement in our schools. If you come by, please stop and say hello! I look forward to interacting with lots of families tonight!
Next week our staff will be returning for Professional Development on the 16th and 17th. We will be working on numerous skills and knowledge areas for our staff including our new Wonders™ English curriculum for PreK-6, our Advisory class which focuses on life skills and goal setting for our Jr. and Sr. HS students as well as general opening of the year information.
Wednesday evening will be our Open House for our families in all three of our buildings. Fuller Street will welcome our families from 4:30-5:30 pm, Maplewood will host our families from 5:15-6:15 and the Jr./Sr. HS from 6:00- 7:00. Given some changes in our teacher staff over the summer, it is important to attend Open Houses to get finalized schedules and learn if teacher assignments may have changed due to teacher movements.
Our Principals and Administrative Support staff have returned and will be sending out lots of necessary information as everyone continues the count down to the first day!
In the meantime, summer flies by so quickly, I hope all of you are enjoying the beautiful weather and summer events fully as we embrace the advance of fall!
It is a great day to be in the Valley!
Dr. Katherine Bertolini