Special Needs Fingerprint Event

Please read this ARTICLE from ERESA in regards to a Special Needs Fingerprint Event.
Eaton Regional Education Services Agency (RESA) and the Meadowview School Parent Advisory Committee will host an event for students and community members to enroll in the Michigan State Police (MSP) Vulnerable or Impaired Person (VIP) program on January 13, 2025, from 2 - 6 pm.
The event is open to any students or community members who would like to enroll in the VIP program, a voluntary program designed for individuals with special needs. Program participants are fingerprinted and photographed (optional). The information gathered is then added to the State of Michigan repository and can be used to assist in identifying individuals should they become lost or find themselves in a situation in which they cannot identify themselves.
Parents or guardians must complete a consent and enrollment form in order to enroll an individual in the VIP program. The program was developed after the passage of “Bubba’s Bill” which allows for parents of an individual with special needs to voluntarily enroll children in the program.
Once enrolled in the VIP program, law enforcement has the ability to utilize a Live Scan device or mobile fingerprint scanner to access the information to quickly identify a person who may have trouble identifying themselves.
WHEN: Monday, January 13, 2025, 2-6 PM
WHERE: Eaton RESA, 1790 Packard Hwy, Charlotte, MI 48813, (Please enter through door marked with “Event” sign)
Interested individuals can learn more and complete the registration form for the event. Forms may be completed during the event or drop it off in advance at Eaton RESA. Please contact Meadowview School at 517.541.8750 with any questions.