Mooville Sponsorship of Spirit Bus

Spirit Bus Trip to the Boys Varsity Baseball Semifinal Game for 8th - 12th Graders…check this out!!!
UPDATE: An anonymous donor has offered to also cover the $5.00 cost per student making this trip free to any 8th through 12th grade Maple Valley student.
The Maple Valley Varsity Baseball Team is making a historic run to the State Baseball Championship! We hope to fill the stands with Maple Valley Students and Community Members! Our Friends at MOOVILLE are sponsoring a Spirit Bus for Students in Grades 8-12 to attend the Semifinal game this Friday at 9AM.
If a Maple Valley Student wishes to attend, they need to go to Moovile before this Thursday, June 13, 2024, at Noon to reserve a ticket and a spot on the bus. For a $5.00 contribution, each student will receive a ticket to the game ($11 value) and a trip to the MSU McLane Baseball Stadium on a Maple Valley School Bus courtesy of our friends at Mooville. They will be given a card with details for the trip to and from East Lansing. MV Students must provide their name, grade level, parent name and parent phone number. Students must be dropped off at the MVHS bus area between 7:00 - 7:15 am Friday June 14th for on time arrival to the stadium. Upon arrival at the stadium, students will be met by a representative from MOOVILLE to provide their admission to the stadium. Following the game, students must report to the designated pick up location for their ride home. STUDENTS MUST RIDE in both directions and cannot be released to anyone for alternate transportation. If students are not checked back in for the trip home, parents will be notified and expected to provide alternate transportation.
Parents must purchase their own tickets at
No tickets will be sold at the game, advance purchase is required. Preschool children accompanied by parents will be admitted free of charge.
If a parent would like to ride the bus, give your name, phone number and # of people to the staff at Mooville. If there is room after noon on Thursday for additional riders, the Mooville staff will call on Thursday afternoon to notify families.
Students who attend are attending at their own risk as this is not a Maple Valley Field trip. Any parent who sends their child to this event understands students will not be supervised by Maple Valley Staff and are responsible for both arrivals and on time departures. Parents further understand that both Maple Valley Schools and Mooville shall not assume responsibility for any student who attends the event. Parents agree to hold both Maple Valley Schools and Mooville harmless for student conduct at the event. Students are expected to model excellent behavior in appreciation for the kind and generous support of our Mooville hosts for the event.
We also encourage everyone to attend our Pep Rally for our Varsity Baseball Team to be held at Griswold Field on Thursday June 13th, at 6:30 pm. Come out to celebrate our team and let them know we are all behind them! Bring a lawn chair as we hope to pack our Baseball Stadium!