Eaton RESA Special Education Millage - UPDATE
Please read this UPDATE in regard to the ERESA Special Education Millage
Greetings Maple Valley Families,
Last night in a closely contested election, the Eaton RESA Special Education Millage passed.
This will provide Maple Valley Schools with an increase of over 200,000 per year for supplementing our mandated Special Education Programming. While this will not fully fund our special education costs, it is progress toward increasing the equity for all of our students to have their education properly funded. By funding special education programming which is essential, we are able to rededicate the funds we currently spend from our general fund back into programming for all students.
Given how close the voting was for this millage, I want to reassure all of our voters within our district that we will continue to be good stewards of the taxpayer dollars that come into our district from local sources. We are working to increase student internships, coop learning, and career exposures across all vocational areas in an effort to help all of our students see relevant connections between school and their future as young adults. These funds will help us to advance those programs more adequately than we have been able to do in the past.
I have written about this proposal in the past and if you would like more information on the benefits of this millage, you can click here.
It is a great day to be in the Valley,
Dr. Katherine Bertolini